Free Dedicated IPs

Dedicated IP address is the numerical address of your site (i.e. A dedicated/unique IP address is not shared by other domain names; it is unique to your domain name and your space on the server. If you want to have an SSL certificate or use anonymous ftp, you must have your own unique IP.

We provide blocks of IPs for free with any semi-dedicated hosting plan. There are no setup fees associated with IP routing/setup. Please note: As per ARIN guidelines, WestNIC requires justification of your request for additional IP addresses. Failure to justify usage of IP addresses may affect WestNIC ability to obtain further IP addresses in the future from ARIN. Typically, ARIN requires usage of 80% of your previous allocation, prior to requesting additional IPs. In support ticket (Dedicated IP request), please explain why do you need additional IPs, and usage information on your previous allocation(s).

100% Managed Dedicated Servers

  • 64-128 GB of DDR4 Memory
  • SSD disks
  • Free cPanel/WHM license
  • Free Offsite Backups

Premium Reseller Hosting Plans

  • Unlimited Domains
  • Unlimited Users
  • Free SSL and IPs
  • Save 25% Today!